Having a healthy mouth and teeth is a vital part of having a healthy body. We will do whatever we can to help you achieve and maintain your dental health. At it’s simplest, this includes attending regularly for appointments with the Dental Hygienist, and for your routine Dental Health Checks
What happens at my Dental Health Check?
We ask you:
- If you have any particular problems you’d like us to check
- Whether there’s anything you’d like to change about your teeth/smile
- If our records of your general health need to be updated
We check:
Areas outside your mouth
- Jaw joint, for clicks/uneven movement
- Muscles that control the jaw, for any tenderness or signs of overuse
- Salivary glands and lymph nodes, for any lumps or swellings
Areas inside the mouth
- A visual screen for signs of mouth cancer
- The health of the soft tissues e.g. cheeks/tongue/palate
The health of your gums, including checking
- For gingivitis and periodontal disease
- Levels of plaque/tartar build up which contribute to gum problems
The health of your teeth, including
- Tooth decay (cavities)
- Signs of wear/erosion
- Fractures and cracks
- Signs of abscess/infection
- The condition of old fillings/crowns
We may take X-rays if appropriate
- To check for signs of hidden cavities or infection
- To investigate further any particular problems, e.g. toothache
We discuss the things we have checked, including:
- The current health of your teeth, gums and mouth, including any treatment which may be appropriate.
- Your current risk level for mouth cancer including how to reduce your risk (if appropriate)
- Any measures you can take to help prevent dental problems in future
- Any potential treatment options and come to an agreed plan on how to proceed
- We will ensure you are aware of the relevant fees, pros and cons of each available treatment option before agreeing on a treatment plan